Boarding school is not like they project it in books or tv-series, it is a little more complex. I am going to do my best to explain to you what I experience at boarding school and social structures. Please do exactly as I write, and you will find yourself completely understanding me, and getting a different view on boarding school life.
Please think about your 3 closest friends; think about the jokes you make with them, the amazing memories and conversations you have had with them. Think about how you are all so excited every time you see each other; new stories to tell, gossip, and other updates. Imagine being in the same room with these friends 24/7. Yes. Do it. Can you feel it? The nervous feeling of just wanting to be alone? That is what I feel. That is what a lot of boarding students feel.
Friendships in general are very hard to maintain; it is vulnerable, sensitive and amazing at the same time. But actually living with all your friends gives you the opportunity to truly discover who these people are. They are not always fun, peppy, perky. They can be mean, obnoxious, annoying, odd, weird; but they have their moments to be this person when no one is around. Imagine people being around you all the time (apart from your relatives). Wouldn't it drive you nuts sometimes?
Having to always think about other people, turn down your music, turn of your lights to keep them satisfied, it is very tiring. Trying to forget about everyones flaws (which I definitely have too) is very hard at times: "This annoys me about so and so" and "she is so obnoxious when she does blablabla". It is very hard to always keep a smile on your face, and be the same girl, because secretly we are all hiding a lot from everyone; secrets that only you know; funny habits that are very personal. But at boarding school you are over exposed.
For example: you love this one friend; she is so much fun to be around, you have great conversations with her. Imagine her like this now: her home is very unorganized, she has old pizza slices under her bed, she picks her nose. Do you like her as much now?
Living with peoples strengths and weaknesses is very hard. But I have to say it's a great learning experience. I have never met people like this before, I have never been confronted with my own flaws, I have never had to live with my friends.
It is a huge adjustment, but I think I will carry around these memories my entire life. They will definitely help me in the future. Just got to get through this. Without my mom kissing me good night at 10.

Please think about your 3 closest friends; think about the jokes you make with them, the amazing memories and conversations you have had with them. Think about how you are all so excited every time you see each other; new stories to tell, gossip, and other updates. Imagine being in the same room with these friends 24/7. Yes. Do it. Can you feel it? The nervous feeling of just wanting to be alone? That is what I feel. That is what a lot of boarding students feel.
Friendships in general are very hard to maintain; it is vulnerable, sensitive and amazing at the same time. But actually living with all your friends gives you the opportunity to truly discover who these people are. They are not always fun, peppy, perky. They can be mean, obnoxious, annoying, odd, weird; but they have their moments to be this person when no one is around. Imagine people being around you all the time (apart from your relatives). Wouldn't it drive you nuts sometimes?
Having to always think about other people, turn down your music, turn of your lights to keep them satisfied, it is very tiring. Trying to forget about everyones flaws (which I definitely have too) is very hard at times: "This annoys me about so and so" and "she is so obnoxious when she does blablabla". It is very hard to always keep a smile on your face, and be the same girl, because secretly we are all hiding a lot from everyone; secrets that only you know; funny habits that are very personal. But at boarding school you are over exposed.
For example: you love this one friend; she is so much fun to be around, you have great conversations with her. Imagine her like this now: her home is very unorganized, she has old pizza slices under her bed, she picks her nose. Do you like her as much now?
Living with peoples strengths and weaknesses is very hard. But I have to say it's a great learning experience. I have never met people like this before, I have never been confronted with my own flaws, I have never had to live with my friends.
It is a huge adjustment, but I think I will carry around these memories my entire life. They will definitely help me in the future. Just got to get through this. Without my mom kissing me good night at 10.
1 comment:
Hoi, ik lees je blog via het Hoe Overleef Ik tijdschrift...
Ik vind dit blogbericht veel serieuzer dan al je andere, en laat ook zien hoe het leven daar ook moeilijker kan zijn. Ik vind het heel goed dat je dat doet: niet alles is rozegeur en maneschijn! Dankjewel Laura, je inspireert me om zelf naar het buitenland te gaan. Dankje.
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