What a winter.
I can't believe how much snow has fallen, and the cold that I felt the past couple of months. All the schools around are closed, expect for mine, ironically. Walking to class was a struggle; slippery stairs, snow up to your thighs, cold wind blowing you the opposite way. But I survived! I survived a New England winter! Me and my friends at school would snuggle up in one of our rooms, make hot chocolate and do our homework together, trying to avoid the cold and snow!
This winter term has been very long and hard. Academics here are very rigorous, which I did not experience at my old school in the Netherlands. People want you to work extremely hard, and earn high grades, above an 85 at least (8,5 in Nederland). This was an adjustment for me. Back home, I was happy with a 70 (7,0). The classes are very intense and the teachers extremely passionate about what they are teaching. After classes I can always go to their office and ask them questions, or go over homework. The nice balance between academics, athletics, and fun is what has kept me going this entire term. Of course, I have had moments where I thought: "I just want to go home, and sleep!!!!" , but the great sports program, arts program and music program combined with the great classes is why I always keep going. I learned a new sport this season: squash. Even as a player on the Thirds team, we had matches against other schools in the area, which is also a great socializing opportunity! Winter term has been harsh on me, up and down sides, but I can't wait for spring to come, and the new classes I will be taking (including an interesting history elective!). I'll keep you posted
I am very sorry I have not been consistent on my blog, I am promising right now, that I will post many super exciting things.
I have a question for you:
What would you like to know about? Are you thinking of going to boarding school?
Ask me anything! I will be more than happy to answer!

I can't believe how much snow has fallen, and the cold that I felt the past couple of months. All the schools around are closed, expect for mine, ironically. Walking to class was a struggle; slippery stairs, snow up to your thighs, cold wind blowing you the opposite way. But I survived! I survived a New England winter! Me and my friends at school would snuggle up in one of our rooms, make hot chocolate and do our homework together, trying to avoid the cold and snow!
This winter term has been very long and hard. Academics here are very rigorous, which I did not experience at my old school in the Netherlands. People want you to work extremely hard, and earn high grades, above an 85 at least (8,5 in Nederland). This was an adjustment for me. Back home, I was happy with a 70 (7,0). The classes are very intense and the teachers extremely passionate about what they are teaching. After classes I can always go to their office and ask them questions, or go over homework. The nice balance between academics, athletics, and fun is what has kept me going this entire term. Of course, I have had moments where I thought: "I just want to go home, and sleep!!!!" , but the great sports program, arts program and music program combined with the great classes is why I always keep going. I learned a new sport this season: squash. Even as a player on the Thirds team, we had matches against other schools in the area, which is also a great socializing opportunity! Winter term has been harsh on me, up and down sides, but I can't wait for spring to come, and the new classes I will be taking (including an interesting history elective!). I'll keep you posted
I am very sorry I have not been consistent on my blog, I am promising right now, that I will post many super exciting things.
I have a question for you:
What would you like to know about? Are you thinking of going to boarding school?
Ask me anything! I will be more than happy to answer!
Beste Laura,
Ik hoop dat je nog een beetje nederlands kan, om dit te lezen. Ik wil het ook best ik het engels doen hoor! Ik lees al heel lang je berichten in Hoe Over leef ik, en heb diepe respect voor jou! Nou kijk ik eens naar jou blogger mail, en lees een heel leuk blogje. Natuurlijk kan ik niet heel goed engels, dus doe het maar via google vertalen. (Ik zit namelijk nog in gr. 8.) Ik hoop ook dat je mijn verhaaltjes wil lezen, want dat zou ik heel leuk vinden, ik heb namelijk nog niemand die me verhalen leest!
omg ik had je blog gezien in de HOI ga je gelijk volgen hou van je blog heel interresant!!!!!
zelf van nederland zoals je kunt lezen!
Hi Laura,
I would like to go to boarding school.
And since your half Dutch:
Ik doe aan een tweetalige opleiding op de middelbare school cals college Nieuwegein.
Back to English:
I really like your blog!
I have a blog to.
If you would like to you can have a look.
Xoxo Sophia
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