My first post on my brand new blog: " The life of an all(most) American Girl ". I'll first introduce myself: I am Laura from The Netherlands. My father is a Dutchy and my mom's an American. I have both passports, so both nationalities. My entire life up ' till now I've lived in Holland. My mother wants us to also discover our American Side. This is why me and my family are moving to the States this summer. My sister has been at boarding school in America for almost two years. She is absolutely loving it, but she misses us, of course. Who wouldn't miss their so irritating, first-in-the-bathroom, snooping at she and her friends sister?
O well, my hobbies are dancing, singing, acting, playing piano & the harp, playing tennis & horsebackriding and riding on my dog. LOL, we've got two dogs called Percey and Zoe. Percey is a retired seeing eye dog, so she's very calm and peaceful. However, the other one is a hyper-active psycho dog who barks & jumps at everything, digs huge holes in the garden and attacks dogs that are smaller than she is. What a beautiful combination.
Besides my older sister who is in America already, I also have two younger sisters aged 9 and 11. 4 girls, and I always feel so sorry for my dad... But he seems to manage :-).
About this blog, I'll be writing about my experiences as a boarder at an all girls school in New England. I'm really looking forward to it. And until I'm still in Holland I'll write about preparations that need to be made, or other, typical Dutch stuff that's worth reading!

O well, my hobbies are dancing, singing, acting, playing piano & the harp, playing tennis & horsebackriding and riding on my dog. LOL, we've got two dogs called Percey and Zoe. Percey is a retired seeing eye dog, so she's very calm and peaceful. However, the other one is a hyper-active psycho dog who barks & jumps at everything, digs huge holes in the garden and attacks dogs that are smaller than she is. What a beautiful combination.
Besides my older sister who is in America already, I also have two younger sisters aged 9 and 11. 4 girls, and I always feel so sorry for my dad... But he seems to manage :-).
About this blog, I'll be writing about my experiences as a boarder at an all girls school in New England. I'm really looking forward to it. And until I'm still in Holland I'll write about preparations that need to be made, or other, typical Dutch stuff that's worth reading!
love it already !
Ik ga je blog volgen!
xxx. Chris
an all girls school ?
well, i'm at an all boys school. i love it there (noo, i'm not gay). i'm very anxious to how everything goes at a girls school !!!!
Hee Laura,
Veel plezier in Amerika en ik zal afentoe eens lezen wat je allemaal doet:P
Hi Lau, leuke blog, ga je zeker volgen! zon gaat schijnen vandaag (als het goed is).
xxx Femke en Mike
woow laura, egt cool
moet je zeker wel mee door gaan!
ik ga 'm volgen hoor!
Egt wel balen dat je weggaat eigenlijk :-(
kzie je
XXX lieke
Hee Lau!(L)
Super leuk ik ga zeker af en toe eens kijken naar je blogs.
Heel leuk geschreven ook! Als ik naar Amerika ga wil ik ook graag een blog bij houden!
Vind je het jammer dat je niet op die andere school bent aangenomen< met die beroemde kids? (daar vertelde Ginelle me over)
New England is dat dezelfde school als Ginelle, nee toch?
Ik dacht dat je naar dezelfde school als Ginelle zou gaan.
Krabbel me maar een keer op hyves!:D
XXX Nadine (je doornse buurmeisje)
Leuke blogg!
Ik ga je zeker wel volgen als je in Amerika bent :)
Hee Laura,,
Echt een superleuk blog! En natuurlijk helemaal geweldig dat je naar America gaat.
Ondanks dat ik je nu niet zo vaak meer zie,,
wil ik wel even zeggen dat ik je toch wel ga missen, hihi.
En als ik weer is iets kwijt ben, dan kijk ik even op zolder waar ik tussen alle troep onze debiele bruggerpaddo-gedoe zie,
good old times~
Ik ga je echt wel volgen als je in America bent,
en natuurlijk super-super-super veel plezier!
Dikke kus,
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