Person: "So what are you doing over spring break?"
Me: "Flying back home."
Person: "O right! How long is the flight to Denmark?"
Me: "You mean..Holland?"
Person: "Yes.. Isn't that a province in Denmark?"
Me: "No... It's a separate country..."
Just an example of a conversation I had a while ago. People can't seem to find the difference between The Netherlands and Denmark. But that's not the only thing.
Person: "You smoke weed everyday right?"
Me: "No??? Do I look like I do???"
Person: "Well.. you are from the Netherlands!"
Me: "That doesn't mean I do drugs..."
Or the question so many people ask: "Have you been to the red-light district?" no..No...NO!
People have very interesting judgements and views on Holland. Just like we think that all Americans are fat and eat donuts all day. But once you actually go to the country you are judgemental about, it will prove you wrong (for the most part). I mean: Yes, softdrugs are legal, so is drinking when you are sixteen, and yes prostitution is legal, but it does not mean everyone does it/or uses drugs etc. The same here in the USA: of course, there is a big obesity problem, but it does not mean that EVERYONE is fat, and that EVERYONE lives on donuts. The world generalizes negative judgements about different country, and thinks every single citizen in the certain country is that way.
Yet it's a human thing.

Asians are from a different planet.
All immigrants are criminals.
Every muslim is a terrorist.
Are any of these statements true?
Will they ever be true?
Is it fair for us to judge?
Yet it's a human thing.
So I checked out your blog and it is ADORABLE!! :D I love it!
Oh and I watch a movie from Danmark, of w8 kan natuurlijk ook Nederlands praten maar ja, and I ask my mum how that country looks like, she said, oh it looks like the Netherlands, I have been there one time in my life now.
XXX flipina or someone else
PS: U say the truth!
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