So I expected heaps of snow, like in Home Alone. The truth: the sun is still shining, it's warm enough to go outside without gloves yet. So I am not hoping for a white Christmas anymore. On Christmas eve, I am going to play the harp in some cool church nearby :), I'll ask my dad to tape it, so I can post it on my blog!!

So what have I been doing in my first few days of Christmas break...
SLEEP! Oh yes, at boarding school, I definitely did not get enough sleep. Me and my roomie Vicky watch a Bones episode every night and then talk for AGES. Haha, I love her.
I also discovered Tumblr. And I created one:
YAY! Its a kind of photoblog I guess. Its fun, and it keeps me busy on boring days.
I am working on some really big posts for my blog, but they take some more work. I'm going to discuss the difference in Dutch and American school systems, culture, how boarding school has changed me in some ways and more. So it's not that I have not been on my blog for days, its just that I'm working on some gooooooood big posts. This post is just a short update on what I have been doing, and I wish everyone a very merry christmas!